Jumat, 23 September 2016

Assalamualikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh

This is a photo of me as the feast of Eid al-Adha 12 september 2016, 1437 Hijra. Precisely in my hometown is a small mangrove creek, district Mempawah beloved. This is a photo that I like than the other photographs. Because this photo reminds me of my best friend who presented clothes and a veil that I wore at the time. My family is very praised at the time, and said that I was very graceful when wearing a gift from my friend. Initially I was not confident, because my face is a little dark but sweet veils yellow highlighter. Black face dark look when combined with yellow highlighter. But I am the mother who always said to me, that confidence must always be on me especially in terms of appearance. No matter what other people, which is important while the clothes we wear not belong to someone else, it could still be yourself and remain confident of the circumstances and must look attractive in the eyes of others. Although many people do not like our appearance or whether they were envious of our appearance that seemed excessive in the eyes of others. Sometimes I always remember the advice of my friend who always supported me and always said life was simple and do what you want to do. And one time I wore it back and met with the figure of a man that I like and he is comrade while signing Tanjongpura study here. He was very handsome, kind and intelligent. He complimented me and said "you look beautiful wearing it". And I am very pleased with the compliment that he made for me. And this is the story of why I really like this photo. Thanks Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh

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